Filling out any medical form can be a very simple thing for some and a long complex process for others depending on their health.
Some questions on medical forms may not seem relevant to dentistry. For example, questions asking about previous surgeries, prosthetic joints, heart conditions etc. It may not seem obvious at first, but many of these can have a direct impact on how your dentist approaches treating you.
For instance, if you have high blood pressure not controlled with medication and you choose not to inform your dentist, bleeding complications may arise at time of surgery.
Another example is if you are taking or have a history of taking a specific type of osteoporosis medication or chemotherapy medication. Some of these medications have a direct impact on how well and how fast the jaw bone heals, especially after surgery. Healing from a simple dental procedure may sometimes take months and can be potentially disfiguring to the jaw. Having prior knowledge of this medication can change the approach your dentist takes to ensure a likely better outcome.
Dentists are here that help you. Please do not feel embarrassed about having certain health conditions or taking certain medications. Disclosing complete and accurate medical information is for your best interest and can ultimately only help you in the long run.
As always please remember… ‘floss and brush today, so you can smile tomorrow!’